in love

1. I once been a playgirl with many boyfriends. haha
2. I still doubt him 'til now
3. I've been once OBSESSED with my current boyfriend. 
4. There were times I really, REALLY get IRRITATED with him.
5. There are times when a thought comes into my mind that I will dump him. haha
6. we have so many sins before the time when we been okay to my parents. XD [personal secrets ONLY]
7. I love kissing him . (sssh) haha

in love

1. Ice Cream
2. Chocolates
3. Laptop/Netbook
4. Texting (on a nice phone!)
5. Baking pastries & cakes
6. Never Ending Chatting with him!
7. making ****. XD

in love

1. Big house, a mansion may do it!
2. a Car, latest model PLEASE!
3. A room full of gadgets. haha
4. A Princess room full of dresses, and shoes and everything in fashion!
5. Latest gadgets please! Cellphone! DSLR! Ipods! Ipads! ahaha
6. Television, half big that's on the theater. haha
7. can I own a Chocolate factory? XD

in love
1. To do diet (balanced? haha)
2. Study (for now, because I can feel the summer! but, before I forgot, We'll still have a qualifying exam! ahahha)
3. To change my f**k*** attitudes! :|
4. To drink the dieting tea! hAHA. (the taste SUCKS!!)
5. To arrange my closet
6. To do the exercise I promised to do last week!
7. To wash the jersey he gave to me! hahha

in love
This day was great! Not so tired and so good!
We went to our Piggery at Kalasungay, Malaybalay City this morning and stayed there up to 11:30 AM. I wore my favorite jacket again, the black one. hihi. :)

My sister, going down to the piggy house!

 haha, That's my sister. As can you see, she's having a hard time climbing down the muddy stairs. haha..

Here's my youngest sister, who treat our piggery as her 3rd home. She likes it here, climbing down the muddy stairs is like nothing to her, but for us two? my other sister and I? woh. It sucks. ahaha

Here's my sister again, haha, she's touching the male pig (i forgot what its called) haha. 

Here's a piglet! She's cute! weeh.. and so small, compared to her mother. HAHA. :D
Here's a gif when my sister climb up going to the mini-house. hahahaha
She's trying soo hard.. hahah PEACE!

Later that moments, I went to a tree on a little plateau where our mini-house is located. 
The house there was the mini-house. :D
And I was located on a tree where I can sit and I can also lay down and RELAX!
The air was so good! REFRESHING & COOL!

Afternoon was a time to rest, my parents were asleep, my sister watches TV and my other sister is playing the computer. haha.. And me? I'm here at blogger answering those challenges. :) It was fun, and I'm sorry, I was  bored that time. :)) hahah

4PM I think, I accompany my mom with our business again, and I bought a bubble gum with a free sticker tattoo inside.. haha I was Like a KID! :))
Here's a picture of it:
 I put it in my hand.

Until now, it's still here.. hahaha.. :))
thank you for reading!
- March 26, 2011
- sleepy!

I'm sorry for the pictures, some are blurred or whatever! I only use my camera phone! :(

in love
1. When everyone don't have trust in me that I can do things right.
2.  When he tries to came late on our meeting time.
3. The thing that "I do everything on that subject but then I have lower grade than her who's doing like NOTHING!"
4. When we're together talking and then he's texting to somebody I don't know!
5. When I was yelled at and the truth is 'I haven't heard what his talking about'.
6. When they're blaming me on things I didn't even do.
7. When they ignore what I'm trying to tell them, like they haven't heard me saying such a thing, and then, later on, asking what was it..

in love
1. Beautiful Body & Teeth
2. Ipad, Ipod, Android!
3. DSLR!
4. WoH! Beautiful Hair!
5. White Skin Complexion
6. Wireless Connection
7. Dresses, fashion for short!

Link for the SevenDeadlySins Challenge
in love

HAHA . :) from tumblr. :)
in love
1. Cute Eyes.. [haha]
2. I can do responsibilities/or things you want me to do. [I'll try my very best, just be sure what you want. be specific. :)]
3. My parents love me as what I am [We all are :)]
4. I have amazing beautiful sisters, we may sometimes quarrel, but we love each other [they are great]
5. Some people see as a beautiful girl, well, some were not. [I don't know the the other people]
6. I learn fast if I want to. [yees.]
7.  I have an understanding and loyal boyfriend who always is sweet and humorous and let me feel that he always loves me [haha. true.. ]

challenge link
in love

Day 1 - Pride. Seven great things about yourself.
Day 2 - Envy. Seven things you lack and covet.
Day 3 - Wrath. Seven things that piss you off.
Day 4 - Sloth. Seven things you neglect to do.
Day 5 - Greed. Seven worldly material desires.
Day 6 - Gluttony. Seven guilty pleasures.
Day 7 - Lust. Seven love secrets.

[i'm bored so I'm going to do this right away]
in love

I wore a mini shorts and a very large (not so very, but LARGE) jacket with a hood.. hahaha.. :)
I can't get a nice picture of it when I'm wearing it so... 

click here to view the full challenge
in love
My picture:

in love
weeheew.. My room is FINALLY! already clean! yeah yeah yeah! LET'S PARTY!

This day was so very tiring! But at least, my room is already dust-free and clean!  hihi.

From this:


I discovered some things, like I saw a diary of my youngest sister when she was still grade 2. The entry was good, just I laughed at the end when she wrote: so good bye!  haha
Then, I saw pictures of him, I think 4 or 5 years ago. HAHA. He's still so thin, no muscles at all, no flesh, so thin!  haha I also saw his 1x1 picture 3 years ago! haha And my picture when I was still 4th year high school,, 3 years ago, too.  haha
I also took some picture of my things. :))
Here is the figurine in my Cake on my debut last November 4, 2010:

A CD with greeting for me made by Kuya Edwin and his colleagues:

And his gift, a DSLR made of candle wax:

[Secret behind this: This is a give away from a wedding, then, he rip the picture on it and replace my picture. hahahahaha]

Here's a rose he gave on my graduation day:

[ with cobwebs already! hahaha.. It was the first flower he gave me, a red rose ]

Our graduation memorabilia:
[for normal graduations, this represents a ribbon that's pinned on the student saying: "graduate"]

Here's a piggy:
[I got this from my dad, and I DON'T KNOW where'd he get this from haha]

A toblerone:
[this was given to us by our relatives from the US, it has 5 toblerone bars, with a dark choco, white choco and three milk choco .]

These are my collections on SPONGEBOB!:

[it has a ballpen, bag, figurine, notebook, scrap book, autograph, playing cards, eraser, keychain, earrings, lighting ball, sticker, and etc]

This is my COMELEC ID:
[I'm the poll chair during the University elections last March 10, (the date was a mistake, and also the precinct number), I was a part of the student comelec]

the Pig in the movie Chicken Little:
[well, I don't really know his name but I know his part of the movie Chicken Little, he's from the US :)] 

Cleaning a messy room was FUN! haha. You can find things that may LOST forever. :) SO, you have a messy room? try to clean it during your spare time or this season of summer! I'm sure you'll have fun doing it!

[sincerely, Caroline]
- March 25, 2011 - 

in love
Hmm. I'm Caroline Mariae A. Tuquib, 18 years old. I currently living at my parents house [haha] at Heights, Malaybalay City. I stop counting my age last November 4, 2010. [I'm too old already]. 
Mom show me the world last November 4, in the year of 1992.
I love eating, sleeping, surfing the net and not the big tidal waves! I also love sharing my thoughts, I love being with myself, I can be with myself when I'm with him! :D
'Him' refers to my boyfriend, Ronil Angelou Perino. 
I easily get irritated, and yell at people. 
I was properly growned up by my parents and the TV and my friends (I learned a lot on TV shows). Maybe not really 'properly', but compared to others, I do more good. XD
hahaha.. And I'm proud of that. K?  :D

click here to view the full challenge

in love

Day 1 - Introduce yourself
Day 2 - A picture of you
Day 3 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 4 - A picture of your eyes
Day 5 - A picture of someone you love 
Day 6 - A picture of your handwriting
Day 7 - A picture of one of your favourite moments
Day 8 - What you wanted to be as a child
Day 9 - Something you hate to be asked about.
Day 10 - Favourite song of the week
Day 11 - The person you miss the most
Day 12 - A picture of your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 13 - A photo of you taken recently
Day 14 - Your day in great detail
Day 15 - A picture perfect moment
Day 16 - Something that upsets you
Day 17 - Your favourite song of the week
Day 18 - Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 19 - Another picture of you
Day 20 - Name of your elementary school
Day 21 - A picture of you throughout highschool/middleschool
Day 22 - Links to all the websites/online profiles you have
Day 23 - List of all the places you’ve lived
Day 24 - A drawing you drew
Day 25 - Something you’re thinking of changing
Day 26 - An embarrassing moment
Day 27 - Screen shot you took
Day 28 - Your favorite quotes 
Day 29 - What you are looking forward to in the next month
Day 30 - Last moment
Day 31 - A picture of your family
Day 32 - Everything thats on your mind
Day 33 - Your nerdy secret 
Day 34 - Photo shop your self with a celebrity you want to meet
Day 35 - Your class schedule and your grades in each class
Day 36 - Your favourite picture ever 
Day 37 - Your favourite youtube video ever 
Day 38 - A picture of you in your pajamas
Day 39 - The lyrics to your favorite song and what they mean to you
Day 40 - Your favorite GIF 
Day 41 - A picture of what you look like right now along with a letter to your Boyfriend!

going to do this!
in love
Today was good. I woke up, I think it's already 5:30 AM, so early and I just finished first his book report because it was due today ( He ask me to do it. ahaha.. LRJ ), but wooh, finally done! After that, My classmates went here at the house and edit the financial statements of our entity in our entrep! :) They finished it 2:00 later that afternoon. I joined them going back to the city proper and met him, si Boyfriend. We passed his book report and bought french fries at a wet store.
Before buying it, cmates texted me and ask to help them, but whoah, I'm already done! You don't know how to respect yoh! But, I have a true alibi, Mom want me to be home at 3:30, and just in time, I got home!

I invited him to be at home just to visit and watch TV and eat. We enjoy each other's company. weeh.. he just texted me that he hadn't felt any tiredness now.. hahaha.. why? oh why? [I'm still asking him. haha]

Anyways, before he gone home, he was left in the house cooking kikiam and mother and I went out to do business. haha.. For the second time I think, he was left there alone with my sisters and relatives. haha

He just went home, 9:30 PM, and he's on his way home now. I really enjoy his company! :))

ooh! He text me the reason why he never felt tiredness, he drank an 8 in 1 coffee! the tongkat ali! ahaha.. try one now!

March 24, 2011
in love
This day was, so worried on what will ma'am be questioning us. But, my group mate had a sign, that if her older sister will look at us, the defense will be ALRIGHT! And it's true, it was alright.. hahaha XD

One shocking moment was when I was changing my clothes into a formal one, my bag fell down the floor, at the least of 2 meters! sad part is my laptop is in my bag! :( So good, it looks like nothing has happen!  weeeeeeh!

Then, later that afternoon, we had liquidated our business on Entrep 102, I got lots of money.. :) weeh. haha.. another food! but limited only.. At least! XD then we go home.. Not a very memorable day, but so tiring that let me sleep once I lay down on my beheed! XD

March 23, 2011
in love
Today went well in the START. But later, grr. It made me irritated 'til this time of the day!

It started when the General Assembly of our local chapter JPIA was about to end. Here's the convo:

Me: kanus'a man nito iuli ang lamesa? (When will we return the table on our house?)
Friend:  Ikaw? gcge bea taka ignan sauna ra, cge rapud kag ingon nga sunod na, ugma na. (I always tell you about that few weeks ago, but, then, you always said, next time, tomorrow, next time)
Me: Unsa diay? bisag g'exam ta? ug gusto nako iuli ang lamesa? iuli nato? bisag busy ta? (What you want? Even though we're busy and havong exams? If I want to return the table? We will return it? )
Friend: Ga'agad ra bea mi nemu (we're waiting for your decision)

I walked out, crying. OMG.. then, it burst more when I saw him. Telling him all my heart aches.. haha.. HEART ACHES! XD

So, I've decided that we will both return the table home without their help. They are useless..
After we have lunch with my boyfriend, we quarreled. haha.. Because, he keeps on tickling me, then I got irritated. :( I yelled at him. Sorry.
Then, we keep our fighting thru texts while we're walking on the road going to school.
Then, I told him that they always put me down (they : cmates).
He then told me on public, Maulit bitaw k karon sa ila ah, lain ra ba ko maulit, panalgsa raku maulit (It's rare for me to be irritated to people, and I'm getting irritated to them!)
So, I answered him, Kaulit na kaw! wala ma'y gpugong! (so be irritated! no one is controlling you!)
Then, I continue walking going to jollibee. I thought he was with me all the time, but he never enter the jollibee 'til I finished ordering and texting him. I saw him, wiping his eyes, is he crying because he was irritated? Sorry! :(
Silence is on the table until we finished The thing I love on him, he has done it again. He tried to make me smile even though no sign of happiness within me. He didn't fail, he makes me smile && laugh. hahaha. XD
I treated him at Jollibee. I bought 2 watermelon sprite and a regular french fries ( no budget eh haha ), then we're okay again.. weeh.. I really love him, he keeps on understanding me..
Then, later that afternoon, I bought a black jacket, worth P65.00 only.. sa may UkayUkay.. hehe XD
Then, we go home .. XD


March 22, 2011
in love
Today went so great. Even though I'm tired 'coz I did sleep only for 3 hours due to studying.

Today was also their culminating in their P.E. 104. He badly wants me to watch him play basketball & volleyball.. :)
I arrived at school already 9:30 in the morning, their game on volleyball was just about to end, and they won the game! :) Minutes later, their game on basketball is about to begin, held on the gym. He grab me and let me sit on the bleachers on their team.
Their game was so funny! as in 'haha'. :) Their first five were all great players. First quarter of the game, they were able to earn 28 points, I think, over 6 points of their opponent.. I took some pictures:

 He was on the jersey Number 6. :) haha. They had a great game. The way he play? It just turns me on! XD

Later that afternoon, we had our last final exam on finance. It was wooh, NOSEBLEED? haha. I forgot some of the terms. OMG. haha. But, I think the exam is okay! :)

After the exam, I directly went back to where they play. I arrive there, last second of the game! They won again! haha. They were now fighting for championship. But, they failed to win the championship. Scores? 32 to 30! 

But, it's okay. They still have a good grade. I think, they would probably get 1.25 grade for being a 2nd place on basketball! :)

sadly, I have to go home. I'm hoping to watch their volleyball semi-finals game, but, ugh! my father texted me, asking where am I now. So, NO CHOICE! haha. I have to go home! :)

I, then made some remembrances I want to gave to my classmates and friends before we parted ways or what.. haha.. I don't know.. But I haven't finished it yet.. Maybe next time, I would take pictures out of it.. XD haha

Let's call it a day! :)
March 21, 2011
in love
Brain Type Test - Free Results
Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained?Although one side of the brain is generally dominant over the other, we should strive to utilize both halves. A balanced brain makes a balanced person - combining sequential thinking with a holistic approach, or linear thinking with intuition, enables us to fully comprehend issues and solve problems. Left-brainers can dramatically improve their problem solving abilities by learning to "follow their gut," while right-brainers can improve the execution of their creative efforts.
Realizing your dominant half is the first step in becoming balance-brained.
Your percentage score for the right brain is 51%.
Your percentage score for the left brain is 50%.
You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.
Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:
Left Brain
  • Linear
  • Sequential
  • Symbolic
  • Logical
  • Verbal
  • Reality-based

Right Brain
  • Holistic
  • Random
  • Concrete
  • Intuitive
  • Nonverbal
  • Fantasy-oriented

Each of these 12 categories has its own distinctive influence in shaping how you think, learn, and perceive the world around you. A detailed evaluation of your brain type has been prepared and is waiting for you. Order the full report now for this information and an insight on why you are who you are!

in love
weeeh.. You know that feeling? No assignments, no quizzes, no oral examination, no projects, no annoying teachers and classmates, no barkadas all around, and NO ALLOWANCE! hahah. You can't buy anything you want 'coz you don't have money. You won't be together with your best of friends and your boyfriend (especially those who always with their boyfi's :D ). The feeling of soo boring, all you do is watch TV, do  household chores, facing the computer and do the Facebook, Tumblr, formspring, twitter, blogger, wordpress, the online games and everything. That is SUMMER!

But some people, their summer isn't like other people. Some have compulsory summer classes, some will apply for a summer job to avoid boredness and getting FAT! Some will have their summer vacations on different parts of their country and the world!

But, the summer for me? The first thing on top! And I'm so bored doing it all over again. It's like a cycle. And I'm getting more chubby because of it.. haha

Anyways, this is my first day of summer, but I still have one last exam tomorrow. But, I still consider today my first day on summer.. :) haha.. I haven't study my lessons yet. What will I answer to the hard questions tomorrow? OMG.

Well, today, I bought a jelly sandals at Otto Shoes at Mandani Arcade in front of Litoy's Store @ Fortich Street, Malaybalay City.

I also bought a glue, with a spongebob on its label. hahaha.. I haven't realized it until I went to the cashier! haha.. What a destiny! :)

.. Well, yesterday, I requested my parents to have a viand of BBQ tonight, because I was craving for it since we stopped our Entrep 102 business. And, yeah! they bought BBQ tonight to serve as our viand.. Yummy! hahaha.


I need to go RN! I still have to study my Finance lessons.. I'm done with, I think, 3 pages. hahaha. XD
Have a nice night everyone! :D 
Godbless us all! 

-- Caroline, March 20, 2011
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