in love
Well, let's talk about the title later. :D

My day was good, except the fact that my back hurts a lot. Maybe, this was because of what we had done yesterday early evening, the aerobics. HAHA.. OMGiss.
After I have done my chores, I tried to study but ugh, here's tumblr again, distracting me! But, it's always okay..

After lunch, I hate my migraine, he attacked me AGAIN! Well, what would you expect about migraine? A NICE FEELING? Hell, NO! HAHA, I was struggling with it. I tried to don't mind it, but it really hurts. I want to bump my head over the wall. I want to lay down on my bed, but tumblr always keeps me up. I nearly to vomit, but thank you, no vomit had happened. :D But, my head still aches!
I just finished my task, choosing people on Tumblr to be promoted, I choose randomly thru random.org. My deal was to choose one person from each page of my followers list and then promote then. After that, I lay down, and got some sleep. I sleep heavily that I didn't notice that I slept for almost 4 hours. HAHA But I woke up, ache free! weeeh. :D

After dinner, I, then finished answering the problems on the financial accounting part 1 book, then finished the problems on same topic chapter but on practical accounting book. and YEAH, I'm finally done, next chapter, be ready! I will murder you! HAHA ;D

Just a while ago, I organized a promo on tumblr:

Free Tumblr Stickers! Just reblog my post, here. :) and then, you must follow me. K? 

Haha. but, the Promo is only available in the Philippines. No money for shipping terms ee. :D I will just mail it to your homes or whenever you want it to be mailed. :D

hmm. Maybe, that's all? Oops. Before I forgot, I changed my URL! 

From itspurpleiink to chulililit! HAHA

Check my blog: chulililit
weehew.. :)
- April 8, 2011
in love
Today was a tiring day! 
I slept late last night, 3:30AM and then they woke me up around 7AM.. OOH!
My head aches, and I just want to sleep but we need to go to Maramag and visit my Lola and our late lolo and late uncle.

We were at grandmother's house when my heart nearly broke. We said to her that we visit late uncle Boy, and she just said, Is Boy dead? I didn't even know. A tear fell down to her cheeks while she was lying in her bed, because she can't sit for too long, she got stroke, years ago.
Oh my, she forgot that her son was already dead. It was awful, but I can't do anything but watching her cry.. :'(

We then gone home when it was nearly 1PM, we stop by at Jollibee Valencia City Branch and have snacks. I love french fries, HAHA. I ate 2 regular fries and finished my rocky road sundae. :) It was delicious and yummy, but it's bad for the one who's having a DIET. HAHA.

We arrive at our home already 3PM. Mom said, I must go with them on the Aerobics sessions. And said, Okay, I'll try if I can do it. It's their (mom and sis) second day, and it's my first day. HAHA.
And I don't like it at all.. I don't know why, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. HAHA. Period!

And so, 'til now, I haven't study any thing on my Accounting, so, I've decided to study purely tomorrow, and finished the unfinished Investment in Equity Securities and start another chapter of murder. :) HAHA

And before I forgot, he was sweet. He woke up just before we start travelling! HAHA and I ask If he can go to the crossing street so I can see him. waaah! He really grant my wish! At first, he refused because he just woke up but I did convinced him. HAHA I saw him, and tease him. HAHA. It really made my day..
He then texted me, that he should go home to take his breakfast, and I was ONLY the reason why he goes the crossing street. Weeh.. I love you. HAHAHA..

-- I think that's all..
_ goodnight guys. :)
-- April 7, 2011
before we travel. HAHA

At the car, I just photoshoped the Eyes, :D

me with my sister. :))

sssh! GOodnight. HAHAHA
in love
I'm already sleepy. (--_)
Anyways, Hi. HAHA
Today was great, I think?
I filed my application letter to take the test for CS Professional on Civil Service Commission this morning at Department of Education here on our town, Malaybalay City.
So funny, because, when it was my turn and the officer to check my application letter, she saw my age and ask me: "Are you sure you're already 18 years old?"
haha.. What the heck does she meant by that? Of course I'm 18. I can show to her my birth certificate. Maybe, she just can't thought that I am only 18 and already applying for a Professional Civil Service.. HAHA.. And then, my picture on that application  letter was so have baby face. HAHA. K! :) I'll post the picture, maybe by tomorrow.. :)
And then, while mom and I bought food at the calenderia, the people there was so EXCITED! Because their son was joining the Kitchen Superstar show on GMA7, who is my crush also.. He's cute! HAHA.. But, sadly, I wasn't able to watch him, busy preparing for the table for lunch at that time. HAHA

And then, the WHOOOOOLE afternoon was a procrastination. All I do was do the internet, chat with other tumblr users. I haven't study yet! OMG..
Time flies soo fast, you know? First look, 2PM, second look on the clock, 3:40PM! WHAAAAAT? hahah. It feels like it was only an hour passed. So, I stopped tumblring, I took a bath and and sleep! I was doing a suicide, okay? hahah. :)

I can't sleep well for the first hour I laid down on my bed, but then, I sleep soundly and woke up 7:30PM.. haha..
I received a text from him telling me he missed me [we don't have any communications from noon till that time so], he don't have any load credits to text me coz he don't have any money, and that asking for an apology that he wasn't able to text me the time his unlimited text promo got expired 'coz his mom has load constraint also. It really made me smile. :)

I opened my netbook to text him because I don't have load also! haha. I used the txtmate.com. you can have unlimited texting on that site.. :)
Then, I post this picture on tumblr:

With the title Goodmorning! **kagigising lang** HAHA

And then, an anon on tumblr, tumblr asked me, asking Why is it Goodmorning? Are you not from Pinas? Because it's already evening here. HAHA. I was shocked! As in, HA? OMG
hahah. I answered her that you know people used to do that kind of thing, and blah blah blah, he insults me also, telling I'm bobo and tanga. haha. She is Matalino (smart) DAW. Haha. So, I ask him an Accounting Inventory Problem, and Finally she stopped doing the anon thing on me. HAHA, and a tumblr user unfollowed me, so I think she's the anon. :) HAHA.. Okay.. Let's stop on that.. :D

:) I was happy, I gain much followers on tumblr and I also was able to talk to them thru TA. :) they were friendly, I gain them thru the promo of Awesome100.. Wew!
And now, it's already 2AM here, I am tired but I can't sleep, I still need to finish answering those fvcking questions.. :(

-- April 6, 2011
-- Goodnight! :D
in love
hahhaa.. A little bit productive today.

As you can see on my recent posts, those were the different analysis of my name, but awkward! How did they know all of those stuff? It's quite true, you know? Haha. :)

Then, I've also discovered a site, which I found it funny. :) It's called GrouchyRabbit.com. You can see some information there, some realizations, funny posts and quotes and JUST VISIT IT, oKAY? haha PEACE. :)

I also followed some twitterers whose posts were about life quotes and freaky facts and facts about boys and quotes. Follow me if you want. [haha, how did I end up there? ] Anyways, just search purpleiink there, you can find me. :)

And then, I feel so productive when it comes to my accounting subject! Wanna know why? I bet you won't. No care! HAHA, because, I've finished I think, A chapter both on theories and practical problems, a chapter of problems and a chapter with theories only! ahaha. I have to deal with the practical questions first thing tomorrow morning. :) because of that, I would give away a request, anything! just comment below, for those who will read this entry, But I bet AGAIN, no one would. :| So SAD!

Been also productive on Photoshop today, but I can't post my works. haha. W-O-R-K-S? So, just visit my tumblog. :) OKAY? hihih BUT don't be so shock on my background music. weeh.

So, Maybe that's all for today? imma sleep naa! So late here on my place, it's already 11:30PM! hihi
GOODNIGHT special people who really had time reading this entry. Luvyou! :))
-April 5, 2011
in love
First Name analysis for Caroline Mariae
Your child has many interests, gets bored easily, and enjoys doing things with their hands. This child often has a short attention span and responds well to training that uses the mind and hands at the same time. Constant change is required, but not constant challenge.

Last Name/Surname analysis for Tuquib
Your child can often seem lazy, but this is not generally the case. This child is uncomfortable with change, and therefore is slow to act. Your child has a love of creature comforts, luxuries, and pets, live or stuffed. Taking on responsibilities, handling, and saving money early in life are excellent ways to train this child. He or she has a need for peace and harmony, but can throw a tantrum if pushed.

Middle Name analysis for Arias
This child will have a constant need to assert his or her personality. Because this child is so active and assertive, often displaying both frustration and temper, it is important not to misinterpret this behavior by considering the child belligerent or hostile. This child should be given constructive outlets for his/her supercharged energies.

source: http://www.acrophonology.net/protected/parent.php
in love
CAROLINE MARIAE-You are a quick study, and can be self-taught. Your curiosity can get the best of you, but you must learn to concentrate. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You enjoy a challenge. You can take thought-directed actions. You have a great deal of loyalty to those you love. You have much inner strength. You have a diplomatic flair to your nature. Equality and fairness are important to you. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You can handle details well. You have a methodical mind. You can be quite inventive and quite curious. You want to be productive and feel useful, and enjoy helping solve problems. You like to be busy and not waste time. You have a need to be up front. You have a lack of confidence in your mental abilities and do not like being forced into giving your opinion. You need to learn to give and receive love for love's sake. You have a need to be assured of affection. You need to learn to be expressive. You are a person who cannot tolerate being misunderstood.

ARIAS-You are adventurous with a tendency to be foolhardy. You are aggressive and definitely have leadership abilities. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life. You try to be prudent. You have good business acumen.

TUQUIB-You are an overly sensitive person, often falling into a savior-martyr role. You are very skeptical and have more than your share of bad luck. You have an adventurous spirit. You can be quite fun-loving. You have an open mind. You are soft hearted with a charitable nature. You are optimistic and strive to develop a viable philosophy for life. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You take pleasure in your creative comforts. You are a constructive thinker. You have a need for monetary security. You can be very practical, down-to-earth and trustworthy.

in love
First Name analysis for Caroline Mariae 
You are sensitive, private and non-aggressive. You seek a partner who will take the lead. However, once you feel secure, the ?other? you surfaces. You then become a take-charge person. You love to give gifts, because it makes you feel in charge. You love to flirt, however it is not a privilege that you will allow in your partner.

You are often difficult to understand and are subject to rapidly changing moods. One moment you cannot live without the object of your affections and in a matter of minutes, this romantic dreamboat may find a need for their own space and privacy.

You fantasize and tend to fall in and out of love, but this is a temporary whim and not a permanent change. You really hate to play the field and really seek a monogamous relationship.
Last Name/Surname analysis for Tuquib 
You are subtle and sensuous - to you romance is like a fine wine, to be enjoyed and not abused. You enjoy both gift giving and receiving. “Don’t tell me you care — show me!!”.

You are a pampering partner, but you need to be pampered in return. Although you are private in your expression of affection, when you care for someone and are sure they care for you, you don’t mind sharing this information with the world.

You have set ideas of what you expect in a relationship, even if it is platonic, you are not willing to compromise. Because you don’t change your mind easily, your relationships generally last a long time.

- Lahat true.. pa’no mo yan nagawa! you’re stalking me, right? hahahahha
in love
First Name analysis for Caroline Mariae
Though you have had female and male lives, your name tells that your most recent past lives were predominantly female. The karma of your name is of a group karma, one brought on by conditions imposed rather than conditions you created.
You are a very old soul with memories of many past lives. The choices are yours as to whether you will call upon past experiences and past talents in a positive manner, or whether you will feel sorry for yourself that these talents are not being brought to the surface in this life. Self-pity can cloud your thinking and progress. Your lesson is to tap into your spirituality and deep intuitive insights. You must use this for others as well as yourself; especially yourself, as you can be lazy when it comes to your own needs.
Yours is a karma of pay back from past lives, good and bad. You will find people run hot and cold in your life. They go to extremes, friendly and helpful, or particularly difficult for no apparent reason. This is a lifetime of spiritual evolution for you. Therefore, you will experience many tests of your compassion and spirituality. Know that proper judgement is a hard lesson we should all learn. But for you, it is a lesson you MUST learn.
Because of your extremely sensitive nature, you have evolved into a most private person, which is a reaction to being very hurt in past lives, thus creating a fear of allowing too many people from getting too close. Now in this lifetime, your privacy is a protection.

Last Name/Surname analysis for Tuquib
You have an aptitude for a career that deals in financial matters as well as luxury items. Your talents lie dealing with things of comfort, beauty and nature. You are compatible with persons whose last names contain A, R, I, K, or L.
You are practical, persevering, and determined. You have financial acumen and can handle the money of others. You know quality and are a good judge of the value of a dollar. You will work hard to gain money so that you can give yourself the finer things in life. You will also work so that you do not have to work. You know how to laze around and enjoy your leisure. Gratification of the senses is an art form to you.

Maiden Name analysis for Arias
You have a need to be active, feel alive, and to move forward in your life. You do not let moss grow under your feet. When you make up your mind to something, there is nothing stopping you. You can be quite ambitious, brave, assertive, independent and forthright. You have leadership abilities. However, you must guard against being forceful, bossy, rude, pushy, and too impulsive. You all too often, can leap before you look!

Source: http://acrophonology.net/protected/karma.php
in love
I went to school late this morning to get the refunds from the JPIA activity last February. And then, to not waste a time, I also checked my grades if how was it. It was a long line to the Kiosk (a machine that may contain all of your information like grades, unpaid amounts or tuition balances, kinda like everything) .
HAHA, I found Shay2x Bacus there with her boyfriend, kuya Earl and she let me insert the line. :D
After half an hour, I finally got to see my grades, weeh! Even though, only 5 grades are available, I was SO happy! Wanna know why??

My grade in our major subject, ACCOUNTING 104, Financial Accounting part 2 is 2.0! ahaha! I passed! Not so high grade but I'm happy.! 'Coz, I haven't done so good on quizzes and term exams, only on activities, that's why I'm sooo happy! :) All I have to do now is study for our Qualifying exam on the first week on May, God, Lord! I hope we all pass! :) Thank you Lord. :D

And, now, I'm crying. We had this conversation again about me having these negative thoughts and no trust in myself. He's doing a sermon now thru text. :( And I am crying. naaah! I live my life dealing with negative thoughts. And when the time comes that I feel so positive but some results on my plans FAIL? I get suicidal, that's why I don't want to be a positive person. Because, for me, being a negative person and then make your plans successful is a great achievement, but a posi person then her plans fail? NO! I don't want those feelings anymore. :( I prefer to be a nega one. :( But he can't understand it, I hope he'll read this entry someday and then he will understand.

ahaii.. not so productive today, busy reading current liabilities. :'(
-April 4, 2011
in love
Today? All I do was study and sleep. Haha. And now, I am sleepy AGAIN. :D
Not so productive today, I just had done a gift produced by Photoshop. (Am I a Photoshop addict already?haha)
Well, here it is:
This is a happy birthday gift to ate Cat (Paula's, my friend, ate.) It was maid, again, from Photoshop. XD haaha

And then, he visit here and had a little chat and laugh and weeh.. :)) I  miss him. :D
He maybe just wants to make fun of me that he said I got sexier. HUH? SEXIER? hahahah!
I just gave him a kiss to make him stop telling me about that. hahaha.

I miss the way he kiss. :) haha. he kissed me again, the kiss that always gives me butterflies. And sometimes, goos bumps. :) 

Let's call it a night. :D Thank you for visiting me here, I always love you. :)
-April 3, 2011
Yan ba ang sexier? laging kumakain? ICE CREAM u want? XD
Double dutch na Sorbetes, from Selecta. :D

in love
I hate to asked if am i still a virgin by guys out there. hahahha.. Why you bother asking me that question? huh? You want my virginity? Go to HELL!
I also hate to be asked if who am I by a friend in facebook and well, he/she actually the one who invited me first as a friend. Grr!
in love
I always wanted to be a doctor, Pediatrician specifically. And 'till now, I also wants to be a secret agent or a spy of a field agent just like on movies? hahaha.. But, I know, it'll be impossible, SO? now, I just want to finish my course and be an ACCOUNTANT. :D