
Day 1) Write some basic things about yourself.
- My name is Caroline Mariae Tuquib. I am Eighteen years old. I was born November 4, 1992. I currently living at Bukidnon. I'm a chubby girl, with slightly long hair. I like pink and purple. I love Spaghetti, Chocolates, Ice Cream & French Fries. I was obsessed with him. But now, I was broken. We haven't broke up, I'm just fully disappointed with him. I have a tumblr, facebook, twitter, tagged, formspring & txtmate.com accounts. 

Day 2) Write some interesting and unusual facts about yourself.
- I am getting addicted to Photoshop lately. My trust is not yet been fully recovered from being shattered last January 1, 2011. I don't have any true friend. I'm a loner, and has an imaginary friend. My friends don't have trust with my and my work. I am currently drinking a sliming tea. 

Day 3) What does your Blogger URL mean?
- My blogger URL 'My Summer 2011', means all stuff on this blog is all about my thoughts and ideas and works and happenings on my summer this year 2011. :)

Day 4) Five places you would like to visit.
- I would like to visit:
1. Paris, France
2. Rome, Italy
3. Sidney, Australia
4. Hollywood
5. Palawan, Philippines

Day 5) Write down your Pet peeves.
- Waiting for someone
- Disturbed of what I am doing
- Being left alone
- Fighting with him
- Not being trusted by everyone
- Being insulted 
- Being told that i am fat

Day 6) Three confessions of your choice.
- I drink hard liquors
- Basorexia is my disease
- I want to cheat to him [for some certain reasons]

Day 7) Five likes and dislikes.
1. Sweet
2. Understanding
3. Have the attitude
4. Not boring to talk with
5. Sense of humor

1. Insult is their game
2. Money is their life
3. Don't know how to appreciates
4. Let me feel that I am really a loner
5. Don't have trust on me

Day 8) What is your favorite TV-show?
- Leverage, CSI Series, Mara Clara

Day 9) Turn-ons and turn-offs.
Turn Ons
- Sweet
- Sense of humor
- Talented
- Height
- Knows how to value me [haha]
- Value his studies

Turn Offs
 - Opposites on my turn ons :D

Day 10) Three things that cross your mind a lot.
- Him
- Studies
- Food

Day 11) Five things that make you feel warm and fuzzy. 
- Hug
- Jacket
- smile
- laugh
- you

Day 12) A song that’s had an effect on your life, and why.
- Perfect by Simple Plan, y? As you know, it's a song about son telling his dad that he's not a perfect son and that all things his dad wants him to do is he cannot do. Well, I'm a daughter telling my dad about that. 

Day 13) Your favorite season and why.
- I love the Christmas season. I love gifts and food, :) And these days during the Christmas Season is worth living, celebrating His birthday and thanking him always. :)

Day 14) Would you ever get a tattoo/piercing?
- Ooh! I have pierced ears! :) Tattoo? Maybe, no. It's hard to get a job on some companies if you have a tattoo. 

Day 15) Anything else you would like to write about.
- I always feel alone, if anyone would like to erase my lonesome, my comment box is always open for some friends. :D
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