in love
Today was great. I was finally able to fix my tooth in front. {I don't actually know what name is the teeth infront.haha} 
Not so productive today, and it's Shylene Lambus' birthday, :) I made something for her, not so good. Here:

It's her 19th birthday, you  know? :D

And here's my new tooth, :)

Look's like nothing has change eh? but it has one. :))

The dentist said early evening while she was trying to fix my tooth, she said, I look like Lorna Tolentino, and I said, HUh? hahah.. What the.. I was compared to L.T? hahaha..

Oh?Saan parte ba jan ang magkamukha? ahahhahahahah
I was shocked.. haha.

I still need to finish to answer all exercises in the reviewer. :)) Goodnight ya'll1 :) 
- April 2, 2011

in love
Today was kinda B-O-R-I-N-G? haha. All day, All I do was study, read and solve problems. ahhaha..
But, it was okay, at least, I've learned something because that chapter hasn't discussed by our instructor. Well, it sucks. :/

But, where I suck the most is on amortizing trademarks! haha! I keep on reminding myself that trademarks should not be amortized but test annually if it will be impaired. Well, anyways, I still made some Photoshop stuffs. :) here are some (not some, but all. haha):
I made this for my calendar ( I sell personalized calendars, design of your choice! )

white? haha. Please drag the picture! :D

I made this and print and gave to his (boyfi) cousin who graduated yesterday. :D

I was touched by this quote. Because I was once alone in my life and because of him (boyfi) I felt no alone anymore. <3

And while studying, I took some pictures. (kakahiya) hahaha. XD

These Pictures was when I was studying just a while ago, I got bored so I opened my netbook and and toook some PICTURES! haha

It was already late, 1:19 AM.. So, let's call it a day & night. :)
-April 1, 2011

Before I forgot, 

in love
this was last Kaamulan Festival, taken at our home. :D

(ooooh! please don't mind the fats over there, k?hahaha)

I think, this was taken one of our monthsary. :))

Therefore, my favorite moments is when we're together. :D 
in love
Haha. The title was "Photoshop day" because today is the day when I learned a lot about Photoshop.. Actually, I made a lot of stuff today. :) But, before that, I wanna tell you about what happen to me this morning. XD

I was texted by our Econ 102 instructor that it is necessary to pass a hard copy of the project and I wasn't able to pass to I have to pass one. And, dad asked me to deposit a certain amount of money of his officer to his officer's account.
And so, when I arrived the bank, I filled up the deposit slips on both check and cash deposits because it's both I have to deposit. And, then, my dad has forgot to gave me the account number of his officer's account so, I just guess the account number. Haha! I copied the account number on the check, where I didn't know that, that number was the account number of the issuer of the check! ahaha! I didn't know that until the teller told me. And, so, I hurriedly text my father. and luckily, he responded fast. I again filled up the forms and, finally, I'm done. :) What a shame! ahaha.

And, when I arrive at the house, I opened my netbook and started exploring [again] the Photoshop. I searched for any available tutorials on the net, & I found a bunch of it on this site.
And, here are some of my works.:
Polaroid collage :)
(model: him & I)

Mirror Image (model: Katrin Jane Maghanoy)

Watercolor Image
Model; Me! hahha

Polaroid Collage
(Model: Me as a baby :)

Image Portrait using Text
(Model: Paula Jane Flor)

Image Portrait using Text
(Model: Paula Jane Flor)

(I forgot the name of this. ahahah And you know who the model is. :D)

Mirror Image
Model: Vaness Wu

Subject Pop Out
model: Tuquib Family

Box Effect
Model: me as a baby :D

box Effect
Model: toots family. :)

Results not so bad for a beginner like me. I should be sleeping now. Goodnight.
hahaha.. And I badly need to study. wooooh. XD

- March 30, 2011
in love
15 day challenge
Day 1) Write some basic things about yourself.
Day 2) Write some interesting and unusual facts about yourself.
Day 3) What does your Blogger URL mean?
Day 4) Five places you would like to visit.
Day 5) Write down your Pet peeves.
Day 6) Three confessions of your choice.
Day 7) Five likes and dislikes.
Day 8) What is your favorite TV-show?
Day 9) Turn-ons and turn-offs.
Day 10) Three things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 11) Five things that make you feel warm and fuzzy.
Day 12) A song that’s had an effect on your life, and why.
Day 13) Your favorite season and why.
Day 14) Would you ever get a tattoo/piercing?
Day 15) Anything else you would like to write about.
in love
This day was normal and lonely and. :( I'm not in the mood doing an entry today, so I gonna keep it short.

I slept so late, 3:30 AM already and feel so tired when I woke up this morning. I'm not in the mood, and we quarreled. And, 'til now, I'm in doubt. :(

Our puto was not sold out, so sad. But, mom save the day, she bought all the puto and still got the profit on it, PhP 29.00.
Still happy, though. I think, that'll be it tonight.
I lost my self-confidence again and self-pity is on me right now. Everytime I'll think about it, a tear fell down from my eyes. Oh mY. :(
[so many sad face on my entry today]

OOh! before I forgot, I, again, made a vector:

much better, eh? :)
so cuuute! I hope, someone would appreciate this. She'll/he'll be my inspiration, PROMISE.
And now, self-pity is here, I need someone to cheer me up, and make me feel I'm not the worst person on earth, I need one. :( please?
ahaaii. nytinight. sugary dreams.

- March 29, 2011
in love
Just Visit the Page. To view my answers on each challenge! :D

Day 01 - The first Taylor Swift song you heard…
Day 02 - When you became a Taylor Swift fan…
Day 03 – Your favorite Taylor Swift song…
Day 04 – Your favorite Taylor Swift music video…
Day 05 – Number of Taylor Swift concerts you’ve been to…
Day 06 – Your favorite Taylor Swift performance…
Day 07 – Tour favorite tumblr page(s) of Taylor Swift…
Day 08 – The Taylor Swift song that you most relate to…
Day 09 – Your favorite Taylor Swift picture…
Day 10 – Something that you miss about Taylor Swift…
Day 11 – Your favorite Taylor Swift lyrics…
Day 12 – Your favorite video of Taylor Swift on YouTube…
Day 13 – Your favorite Taylor Swift album…
Day 14 – Have you met Taylor Swift?
Day 15 – Your least favorite Taylor Swift song…
Day 16 – Your favorite Taylor Swift magazine cover…
Day 17 – A Taylor Swift song that you wish had a music video…
Day 18 – Who would you want to do a duet with Taylor Swift?
Day 19 – A Taylor Swift song that you would love to hear live…
Day 20 – Favorite Taylor Swift quote…
Day 21 – Something Taylor Swift related that you’re excited about…
Day 22 – A Taylor Swift song that you can play/wish to play on an instrument…
Day 23 – Five things you love about Taylor Swift…
Day 24 – Which do you prefer: Taylor Swift’s blog, vlogs, or tweets?
Day 25 – Do you own any Taylor Swift merchandise?
Day 26 – Your favorite Taylor Swift myspace vlog…
Day 27 – The Taylor Swift song that you never get tired of hearing…
Day 28 – How Taylor swift has influenced your life…
Day 29 – Post anything that involves Taylor Swift…
Day 30 – If you could say anything to Taylor Swift, what would it be?
in love
in love
It's already so late when I'm writing this entry. And I am so SLEEPY. haha
This day was, T-I-R-I-N-G! hihi. We washed our clothes and finished it nearly 11AM. From then on, instead of studying,  I was here in from of my netbook, tumblrin', facebookin', photoshoppin', and textin' from a site called 'txtmate.com'. haha. I don't have a load on my network, so I used the net for texting, luckily, the site it Unlimited! haha! I can send SMS unlimited. :) I hope it's going to continue. XD

Then, this evening, I baked/cooked puto, for a living. ahaha "FOR A LIVING". To have a load everyday, and a summer job, somehow, and I hope, to save also and buy something memorable. :)

But, before cooking, I was at my netbook, photoshoppin', doing a vector doll. :) I got interested to it when a tumblr blogger post a tutorial on it. :) As a result of my hard work, I'm proud to present:

It's not so good, but not too bad for a beginner, you know. :D I've also downloaded a font Taylor Swift uses. :) Love it.

And, I'm finally done cooking puto, I've cooked 73 pieces! weeeh.Excited to earn the money I've been working haaard! :)

- March 28, 2011
in love

That guy beside me? He's the one. <3

in love
This day was normal just until he visits me here in the house. :D
(ohh. there's a big smile on my face)

Something has happened this morning, we had an argument, just on small details which I gave large meanings.. haha

We argue about texting using the Sun network, because it's much cheaper than the TM, which we're using now. And then, I got angry . booom! Argument is here. haha
Good to think, it was fixed when he visits me here, (sh*t that texting, we always argue just because of TEXT. hahaha..).
Then, we talked things and his tickling me again, and yes, we're laughing again. haha
No unusual things happen, it's just, I really missed hugging him.
Later evening, we were watching the movie at Disneychannel,  the Parent's Trap,  where Lindsay Lohan is the main character. And I keep distracting him, to take a pic of the two of us, we'll I have one, but, not so good photo, here it is:

He don't want to be distracted, OKAY? hahaha
He's concentrating. :))

Then, 10 PM, he goes home.. He won't go home 'til I told him to go. Oh my, It's already 10 PM, so late already, and he has to travel.  So, I really told him to go home already. :D

We had a night so good. :))

- March 27, 2011
in love
Day 1-Your favorite photo of you
Day 2-A photo of yourself a year ago
Day 3-A photo of someone you find attractive
Day 4-A photo of the last place you went on holiday
Day 5-A photo of what you ate today
Day 6-A photo that makes you laugh
Day 7-A photo of someone you love
Day 8-A photo of your favourite band/musician
Day 9-A photo of your family
Day 10-A photo of you as a baby
Day 11-A photo of your friend as a baby
Day 12-A photo of something you enjoy eating
Day 13-A photo of your best friend(s)
Day 14-A photo of one of your favourite family members
Day 15-A photo of you and someone you love
in love

my eyes.. :)
challenge link