
Day 1-Your favorite photo of you

Day 2-A photo of yourself a year ago
Me & my Sister. :)

Day 3-A photo of someone you find attractive
Vanness Wu

Day 4-A photo of the last place you went on holiday

White water rafting at Cagayan Rivers

Day 5-A photo of what you ate today
roasted beef!

Day 6-A photo that makes you laugh
hahaha.. ssh.. don't tell him, he'll be angry !

Day 7-A photo of someone you love

oooh.. He is the one I love. :)

Day 8-A photo of your favourite band/musician

Day 9-A photo of your family

Day 10-A photo of you as a baby

Day 11-A photo of your friend as a baby

Well, he's not a baby, I lost his scanned baby picture, he was so cute and so fluffy there! 
He's holding his sister. :))

Day 12-A photo of something you enjoy eating

Day 13-A photo of your best friend(s)

He's my best friend, my boyfriend, my sweetest enemy, my father, my brother. He's everything! :)

Day 14-A photo of one of your favourite family members

My sister, Mariane Cryssa

My other sister, Corienna Marie

Our dog, Panda kikik. :)

And of course, my mom & dad!

Day 15-A photo of you and someone you love

hahah.. What a laugh. Those pictures are embarassing! :|

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