in love
I went to school late this morning to get the refunds from the JPIA activity last February. And then, to not waste a time, I also checked my grades if how was it. It was a long line to the Kiosk (a machine that may contain all of your information like grades, unpaid amounts or tuition balances, kinda like everything) .
HAHA, I found Shay2x Bacus there with her boyfriend, kuya Earl and she let me insert the line. :D
After half an hour, I finally got to see my grades, weeh! Even though, only 5 grades are available, I was SO happy! Wanna know why??

My grade in our major subject, ACCOUNTING 104, Financial Accounting part 2 is 2.0! ahaha! I passed! Not so high grade but I'm happy.! 'Coz, I haven't done so good on quizzes and term exams, only on activities, that's why I'm sooo happy! :) All I have to do now is study for our Qualifying exam on the first week on May, God, Lord! I hope we all pass! :) Thank you Lord. :D

And, now, I'm crying. We had this conversation again about me having these negative thoughts and no trust in myself. He's doing a sermon now thru text. :( And I am crying. naaah! I live my life dealing with negative thoughts. And when the time comes that I feel so positive but some results on my plans FAIL? I get suicidal, that's why I don't want to be a positive person. Because, for me, being a negative person and then make your plans successful is a great achievement, but a posi person then her plans fail? NO! I don't want those feelings anymore. :( I prefer to be a nega one. :( But he can't understand it, I hope he'll read this entry someday and then he will understand.

ahaii.. not so productive today, busy reading current liabilities. :'(
-April 4, 2011
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