in love
HAHA. OMG, it's like a century ago, when I last posted an entry here. :)))
I had a dream of having sex with someone other than my partner. Silly thing is, he's my ex-boyfriend, he's kinda my ex-boyfriend. I can't really see his face, but he's more likely like him.
There are a lot of things happened during that dream. It's like the things I want my current partner to do to me. That sweet things. Maybe I was just dissatisfied with what he has done, but, ugh. I DON'T KNOW.

I searched for the meaning of exotic dreams, and this is the meaning.:

Psychological Meaning: Erotic dreams are usually a straightforward expression of sexual desire. The nature of the sex may reveal you hidden hopes and fears. For example, if you dream of having sex with someone other than your partner, this may highlight dissatisfaction with the physical side of your relationship. Your dreams may reveal patterns in your sexualrelationships that you may not be aware of. If your sexual dreams are violent or perverse, you may need to be more relaxed about your sexuality. You may have sexual phobias or compulsions that need to be recognised and brought in control. Your dreams may offer ways to help you lead a happier and more natural sexual life.
Mystical Meaning:An odd superstition claims that if a man or woman dream of visiting a brothel there will be an improvement to their domestic life. And good news for cross dressers: there will be success within the family if you dream of changing sex.

Psychological meaning is kinda true to me. The 'having sex other than your partner'. 
I used to tell him everything, but this dream? No way. I may hurt his feelings even though it's just a dream. 
To me, dreams are things that may happen in the future or that has happened in the past. I hope, this things won't happen in the near future. And I hope he knows how physically dissatisfied I am with him. :'(
in love
haha! It's been a long time since I post an entry here on my summer blog. Well, I am quite busy editing my theme at http://tumblr-tweaks-and-tutorials.tumblr.com, busy posting some tutorials, too. :)

There are A LOT of things happen these last few days. :)

First thing happened was our third year anniversary of being together, sharing happy and lonely moments in life. This day was last May 15, 2011. Good thing was, every anniversary is also the fiesta  of our town Saint, San Isidro Labrador. So, foods, a lot of foods. :D haha.
That day was quite tiring for me, for our family. We really have to clean the house, cook a lot of food to serve for the guests. I was assigned to clean the house and it was so hard! The house was so big to clean by me, only.
Later that day, we had agree that he will come to our house, but no time specified. So, I was expecting he will be here early afternoon. I wait and wait. 3PM, still no signs of him. He texted me that he will be here 4PM. So, still waiting. 4PM came, still no boyfriend has arrived. I was really pissed! You know what time he arrived? 6PM!

OMG, I was really to the highest level pissed! I nearly cry about it. When we were eating salad, he was eating and really try to make me laugh, but I was pissed, I just nod and nod, faking smile.
 It is fiesta, the city mayor organized to have fire works here. 8PM is the schedule, that was the time I talked to him. I grab him outside the house because I badly want to watch the fireworks, and I talked. I was still a little bit pissed, but I think we're okay. We ended our night so good. :) 9PM, no guests already, we washed plates and my parents went to bed so early, so him, my sister, her boyfriend and I left downstairs. Sister and her partner we're at the computer facebooking, we? Just watching TV and cuddling. :)

It was good. :)

And, ow, about the title of this entry, I will be taking an exam of Civil Service-Professional this coming Sunday, May 22, 2011. And, I am not yet ready! HAHAHA. I am a lil bit scared. The English and Tagalog part of the exam was the hardest of all! And that subject was my weakness! How am I going to pass this exam? :'( Well, I hope I will really pass this examination, they are REALLY EXPECTING that I will pass, my parents, my auntie and uncle! OMG. I really hope. Lord God, please guide me and the others. :'(

And oh! Another thing, yesterday, May 16 was one of my happiest days of my life! wanna know? I received a text message telling me that I passed and can continue being a third year accountancy student at Bukidnon State University! Yeeeeh! Love it! <3 Yes! My dad was so happy. Mom, too. Me and my dearest bestfriend boyfriend! Whoah! :')

Another thing again! It was my 4th day dealing with Google Adsense and I got almost $9.27 dollars already! hahahahahhaa! I hope this thing works perfectly. :) yees

I think, that'll be all! hahahaha
in love
I created a blog yesterday, its called "tumblr tweaks and tutorials".
And it gained 14 followers today! weheww.
If you are a beginner in tweaking themes, this might help you a lot, you can message me if you want some help and I will make a tutorials about it. :)
Visit it here!

Well, today is mother's day! May 8, 2011. This day has been not so good because mom and dad still hasn't talk to each other this morning. Good thing, mom got her thumb pricked, it bleed and the hatred of mom towards dad lessens it. HAHAHA
The plan for today was an outing at Edlimar Resort at Maramag, Bukidnon, but it was boom, because they fought yesterday SO bad. Well, good thing to me because I still can't swim on swimming pools because I got RED ALERT. hahaha. :)

we just gave mom a gift, a sunglasses, a sleeveless that she can use during her aerobics, a purse and a card with our message. When mom read the  message, she cried, I think I was the only one who saw her cry.

This afternoon and early evening, mom and dad talked to each other! woh, they're already friends. HAHA.
LOVE it.

Me? I'm still doing some tutorials, haha. Visit and follow the blog, huh. :) It might help you a lot. XD

-May 7 & 8, 2011
in love
I was VERY productive today. HAHA I finally made a tumblr theme! weeeh. After such long time, I made my own again. AHAHA. you can view it here. :)

I think, that is the only thing I made today. HAHA. Many obstacles is on my way by  just doing that theme. And I love it. HAHA. :)

You can request free themes to me, maybe comment on this post or on my tumblr. :)
haha. I don't know. I am tired already, sleepy. I need some sleep. :)

And, ow, I am happily in love. :) hahaha

- May 6, 2011
in love
A very long week. :)
Our qualifying exam was FINALLY done! hahaha
I can feel my summer. But, so sad, only four weeks left 'til classes will start. But, it's okay. I will love this .. HAHA

I forgot almost all things happened to me the days when I haven't posted an entry. So, haha.

I deleted my mom from my facebook friends. Because she can read my rants and everything, she keeps on ranting about my rant, so DELETE!

And, hmm. I can't remember anything. HAHA. I was like having an amnesia, It was like I forget all the things happened in the past few days where all I have done was studying and solving problems I can't have any passion solving it. :'(

And, oow, I know what I want to do. I WANT TO COOK AND BAKE. haha.
I got a passion on that and I am loving it. weeew.

And also, Our 36th Monthsary is fast approaching. 36 months = 3 years . I was kinda excited. After all that has happened, I am so happy we stayed this long and still happy, strong, sweet and happily in love with each other. :')

Today, I also cried. He brought the sorry card that I gave to him last January 4, 2010. I was asking for sorry because, because of me, about my bad habits and attitudes, and bad physical being, he fall in love to a girl on their neighborhood. We both don't like that past. And I think, 8PM this evening, he told me that he was going to read what I have written there. I don't like to hear everything, I mean EVERYTHING. So, when he read the letter, I was mumbling 'blah blah blah, mumubububub' anything that may distract me to listen to him, but I still failed. Next thing I knew, I was crying and my heart crumpled like a thin paper. It hurts, and the feeling that I don't want to lose him again, ever again.
And, ow, before i forgot, I made a new log on page. :) haaha

It was simply amazing. HAHA. weew.

Maybe, that was it for today,. :) thank you for reading. XD
- MAY 5, 2011 <3