in love
Today was ugh, I don't know..
I feel so alone, and worthless and no friends, and I felt less love.. IDK..

I was pissed off this afternoon, when my mom was trying to look for a sleeveless she's going to use to her aerobics session. [her 'coz I don't like it anyway, I don't want to go back there anymore]. Then, she asked me, I said, maybe it was in my closet, try to look at there. And then, she goes there, and murmuring where is it, and asked me again where, I don't even know what she's looking for. I think she's looking for an invisible sleeveless, she was describing it and I didn't know that kind of sleeveless. OMGis, my closet was ugh, it was like a tornado visited it. SH***T.. Then, I was pissed off, from that time, 'til now that I'am writing this.. :'(

My wardrobe was already that messy and then she make it WORST! ugh. :(

I just took a bath to cool myself down.. I spent almost half an hour there to cool off. Then, here's my boyfriend, so busy with his life. I was also pissed at him, I feel he doesn't love me anymore, I don't really know actually. Just that, I don't know. </3

I hope he'll realize someday while reading this blog that I, sometimes, felt no love in me. I have trust in him, but, I think I just need more attention.

About the aerobics thing, I don't like the atmosphere in the area where they held the session. All the people there were so SERIOUS! I hate people who are so serious. Are really they are serious doing that to lose weight? Well, don't eat for a week! and you'll be skinny for sure.. And stop being too serious, people! You will get 4 times older by that! And yeah, you will be sexy but you look older, so stop! I hate it. PERIOD!

Today was so stressful, oh, no, just tonight. I cried when a thought came into my mind that I was a friend of nobody, except him. No one is texting me, sending me a message at facebook, even a poke, there's none! Also, in tumblr, no one is really a friend there. They just reply to a post when they want SOMETHING..

I hate people doing that, yes, maybe I was useful, but that is not a good attitude! Even though they got nothing for you, you still have to say hi and hello and maybe should also asked how are they, are they doing fine and things like that. Not just that, they would just message something because they WANT SOMETHING other than anything else. Stop it. K?

I need someone to text to, like a friend and be a best friend someday and share thoughts and ideas. I want something like that, he's here but he's busy. I need someone to accompany my loneliness, because if no one will?, I feel so alone and worthless and giving myself SELF-PITY..


And, oh, there was something behind my right ear, and it really hurts. I need some help but they kinda just don't mind it. I feel like dying and you know. :'(

-have a nice night guys..

- April 11. 2011
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